Landing gear down!

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I was in the park early today, hoping to see bluebirds. That didn’t happen, but it was such a beautiful morning, I didn’t mind. It was just great to walk the trails and watch for the signs of spring that are popping out all over the place. The fishermen were out in full force and lots of families with children hanging out at the playground. It was a busy place, full of people enjoying another sunny spring morning.

Here is another picture I took in the bog, and, yes, it is another red-bellied woodpecker. The RBW is a very photogenic bird! In case you are interested, the first RBW is a female, but (I think) the second one is a male. The ladies have grey on top of their heads, but the male’s red cap goes from the nape right up to his bill. Some of the guys wear “caps” that are brighter red than this one, however, so I’m not positive I got the sex right.

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It’s time to get supper ready, so no more birds for today, but I’ll be back for more trail walking in a day or two.

Thanks for joining me today.
Trail Walker

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