You can set the table, but…


…you don’t always get the guests you expected!

After breakfast, I cleaned the kitchen and went outside to prepare the backyard buffet with  a delicious feast for the birds. Apparently the feast was appealing enough to attract the attention of a little herd of deer that wandered up from nearby Chagrin River Park.

After the deer were finished feasting, very little remained for the birds’ breakfast! As the Scottish poet Robert Burns wrote…

“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.”

Maybe I could adapt that line to read, “The best laid plans of mice, men, and backyard bird feeders often go awry.” Although that isn’t nearly as poetic as the original, it is definitely true.

That’s all for today’s backyard birding adventure!
Thanks for visiting! It is always good to entertain company.

See you soon!
Trail Walker

9 Replies to “You can set the table, but…”

  1. Well at least you get the opportunity to photograph them. They are so pretty! I bet you have to double up on your bird food supply bill. Very nice shots!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love to see the deer enjoying bird seed from the stump. I have several stumps in my backyard and now they will have a new purpose! 💕 Libbie

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