
I caught sight of the green heron at the top of today’s post hidden among the reeds in the bog, and one glimpse was enough to stop me in my tracks. A green heron is not a rare sighting in this area, but it’s rare enough that the sight made my heart beat a little faster.  To be sure I would get a few sharp images, I took a deep breath and shot off multiple frames before continuing  down the trail toward the owl nest. I was hoping the owlets would be visible today.

Momma Owl wasn’t in sight, but her two rapidly growing owlets were perched in plain sight in their treetop nest. Although I only have a 70-300mm lens, not nearly long enough for a clear shot at that distance, I was pretty happy with the picture I captured. I would love to own a 600mm lens, but I know realistically I wouldn’t be able to lug a heavy camera and huge lens (plus a tripod) down the trail. Some photographers do it, but I’m not that strong, so I have to be  satisfied with the equipment I own. I only captured one good shot of the owlets today…

2018_04_23__Chagrin River Park_0148

…but here are two more shots of the herons and a few more photo opps I captured on the walk back to my car.

That’s it for today, Trail Walkers, but the sun is shining, and it’s time to get my camera and walking shoes to see if I can capture a few more images before the sun goes down.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit today. See you soon!
Leave a comment if you have anything to share. I love to chat!

Trail Walker


13 Replies to “Wildlife”

  1. Those owlets are precious and all these photos are spectacular Carolyn. I saw a green heron a few years ago when I walked down to the marina. Didn’t recognize it as heron as its neck was scrunched down. I took a photo and sent it to Michigan’s DNR and they identified it as a green heron and said “good find” … I’ve never seen one since. At the Park today, another walker had her binoculars and pointed out a black-crowned night heron. I was straining to see him in the trees, but that was a first for me too.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. They are pretty nondescript looking as well. Today I saw a Great Blue Heron in a dead tree. He was all tucked into the tree. Just as I bent in to get a closer look, he flew away. He really was camouflaged by that tree, but I still spooked him.


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