Three birds and a dog

I almost played couch potato and skipped my trail walk today because yesterday’s beautiful weather had played a trick on us and disappeared. It all started last night with a thunderstorm and then the cooler temperatures moved in. Nevertheless, I finally picked up my camera and went. I’m glad I did because the birds were really active, and Gulliver posed for me too. If you follow my blog, you know that Gulliver hates the camera, but today, he didn’t seem to mind that I was aiming it at him. That is not a pond he is  sitting next to. All that water is the rain that fell last night. This was a soggy day in the park, but just ignore the weather, click on the gallery, and come along for a mini-trail walk.

That’s it for today. Thanks for joining me.
Trail Walker

6 Replies to “Three birds and a dog”

LET'S TALK! ----It’s your turn now.