Tufted titmouse

2016_03_24_Trailwalk_Chagrin River Park_0065

There’s no doubt about the identity of this grey and white beauty. It’s a tufted titmouse. Wearing a dark grey cap with a crest and sporting a white eye ring, he is pretty easy to identify.The “tuft” or crest on top of his head also helps to identify this little bird. Although he is not a very large bird, he is the largest titmouse. Others are the juniper titmouse and the oak titmouse. Who knew? I certainly didn’t! This titmouse has a large range, but most individuals live their entire life within a few kilometers of their birthplace. They are ubiquitous in northeast Ohio. They are quick movers and not always easy to photograph, but they love the tasty bark butter bits, which distracted this fellow long enough for me to snap his picture.

Another interesting fact I found on my bird app is the name for a group of titmice. They are collectively called a banditry and a dissimulation of titmice, and they only occur in areas where rainfall is greater than 24 inches per year, and are even more common where rainfall exceeds 32 inches per year. According to Cherokee legend, they have been regarded as messengers.

This is day #3 of my plan to post just one photo each day on my blog. If you read my post from two days ago, you will remember that I started this plan to post only one photo each day because I have been struggling to keep up with my goal of posting at least four times each week. If you have any thoughts about how my plan is going, I would love to hear from you.

Thanks for stopping by today. See you soon.
Trail Walker

9 Replies to “Tufted titmouse”

  1. Although I haven’t commented before I follow your blog fairly regularly and really enjoy it. I loved walking the trails with you and seeing all the different photos, but can well understand the time limitations. Maybe put more photos in periodically?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Pam. It’s great to see a comment from someone who has been quietly following my trail walks. Thanks for your suggestion to put in more photos periodically. I have been thinking about restarting the monthly almanac I had started at the beginning of the year, i.e. favorite photos to represent the month. Also thinking that maybe that would be too many photos at one time and I should do a smaller weekly almanac. Still thinking about it. Meanwhile I am enjoying the opportunity to focus (pun not intended) on one daily photo, so I will probably continue that on most days. By the way, are you “turnx3” and still living in France? Thanks for visiting me here.


      1. Yes, I am turnx3 – I explained that on your dancing duck entry which I commented on first! We are currently still in France, but will be returning to Cincinnati area sometime later this year – not sure when exactly, whenever the company says so, and Roger will be taking retirement at the same time, so big changes coming up. At least that will give us more opportunity to arrange a Blipmeet sometime!

        Liked by 1 person

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