9 Replies to “Early sign of spring!”

      1. Oh, yes! Our shady front yard is buried, but the backyard is actually showing sounds of mucky, stick-cluttered life. Yay!

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      2. The bad news is that there is so much mud in the yard that I nearly lost my shoe yesterday. At the advice of a dog breeder in town, we are going to buy a bale of straw to sprinkle over the mud. I’ll be writing about this for my blog.


  1. I live in SE Michigan and those red-winged blackbirds have been calling for about three weeks now in the marshy area in the park where I walk. I love hearing them calling out and I can close my eyes and pretend I’m walking through the park on a warm Spring day. Sometimes they are just a silhouette in the bare branches of a tree, and the tree is alive with sound. Very beautiful to watch them puff up and raise their colorful wings as they belt out a tune.

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      1. I love hearing their calls – it fills me with hope of warmer, sunnier days. I like to walk in the early morning when it is quiet and peaceful. Sometimes I hear the red-winged blackbirds, other songbirds, and even the downy woodpeckers and it is soothing to hear them. Then the geese and ducks start up – not so peaceful, but enjoyable to hear as opposed to the vehicles whizzing down the street. I’m looking forward to reading about your nature walks and enjoying your beautiful pictures Carolyn.

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