A Monday Meander

Hello friends.
Join me for a morning meander along the trail.
We’ll visit a few of our bird friends to see what they are up to.
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The blue jay is hoping for some peanuts.
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The house wren is feathering her new nesting hole…
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And checking it out to see if the fit is good.
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The red-bellied woodpecker is also visiting his new nest.
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Checking both inside and out to see if it is ready for a family.
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The Great Horned Owl is not on her nest, but one of the owlets is testing his wings. He must be getting ready to fledge.

That’s all the news from the trail on this Monday morning. I didn’t see the belted kingfisher or the towhee, and I’m still waiting for my first glimpse of a Baltimore oriole. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait!

Thanks for stopping by today.
See you soon. ~Trail Walker


10 Replies to “A Monday Meander”

  1. Your bird photography is awesome. I’ve never tried taking shots of birds. Maybe I should give it a try one day, though I wouldn’t know ow to identify them. I would imagine it takes much studying. This post reminds me of a woodpecker we had as a neighbor in the New York suburbs years and years ago. [S]he seemed to hammer all day long.


    1. When I first started photographing birds, about 17 years ago when I retired and had more time, I knew barely any birds. I still don’t know all that many, but keep on learning. Photographing them takes patience and persistence. A few peanuts in the pocket is helpful with some birds, especially the winter ones.

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    1. Checking up on my favorites makes my trail walks more purposeful. Some days I just take walks with no particular focus in mind, but other days, like this one, I start with a specific goal (or goals) in mind. Thanks for your frequent comments, Laurie. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness.

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      1. Oh, you’re welcome. I so like being connected to people through blogs. (Of course, I cherish my close-by friends, too.)

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