Lake Erie Bluffs

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The day dawned with sunny blue skies and a perfect temperature for trailwalking at Lake Erie Bluffs. Happy with the beautiful morning, Bob and I, and our friend Tom, were on our way to the Bluffs!

Once at the Bluffs, the best view can be seen from the top of the tower, located on the edge of Lake Erie, 20 miles east of our home.
2018_08_31__Lake Erie Bluffs_0015 copyI haven’t been doing much trail walking this summer, and even less climbing, so I was out of breath by the time I reached the top of the tower, but the view was worth the climb.

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Looking west-toward Cleveland

After soaking it in (and catching my breath), we climbed down and followed the trail to the beach.

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Goldenrod along the trail is a sure sign summer is coming to an end.
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Bob on the beach, waiting for me to catch up.
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I made it!

There weren’t many people in the park this morning. As you can see, we had the beach pretty much to ourselves. After a while we decided it was almost time for lunch, and we still wanted to visit Painesville Township Park to see the new fishing pier that was built in the last year. We had heard about it from a neighbor, who was part of the crew that engineered the pier, but this was our first visit. And it involved another climb!
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Getting down to the pier wasn’t a problem, but climbing back up was a breathtaking experience, for me at least. The view was great though, and that made the climb worthwhile.

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Looking east, toward Erie, Pennsylvania

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Definitely lunch time now, so we drove over to Brennans’ Restaurant in Grand River. My crab cakes were delicious, and according to Bob and Tom, the perch was just as good. By the time we finished our lunch, it was nearly 3 pm, so we decided to finish off our day trip with ice cream cones at Scooters. I’m very sure that after all the hiking and climbing, I had earned that cone, and it was a great way to end the day.

Thanks for visiting the Bluffs with us.
Hope to see you soon!
Trail Walker

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