Not the usual!

My walk in the park today was definitely not the usual…in more ways than one. When I drove into the parking lot, I spotted my best photo op of the day. I didn’t even have to get out of my car to see it, but of course I did because I knew the best photos would be up close and personal. According to the young man who owns this handsome critter and brings him for outings in the park, he is a seven year old African spurred tortoise. Originally he was named Turtle Man, but as he is actually not a turtle, he has been renamed Gordon because it is more accurate and more dignified. Gordon loves grass and clover, so for him a visit to the park is like dinner at a five-star restaurant!

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Gordon’s owner explained that his pet was only the size of a silver dollar when when they bought him at a pet store seven years ago. Obviously he has grown…a lot! He is not aggressive, as I was able to observe when a curious dog came over to investigate. The dog barked and barked, as dogs will do when confronted with a tortoise, but Gordon just continued to munch and meander across the grass. I asked if meandering was his top pace and was told that he can easily pick up the pace and his species has been clocked as fast as 5 mph.

It was an interesting but unusually short photowalk that ended when the skies opened, rain bucketed down, and I dashed for my car that thankfully wasn’t far away. Gordon’s owner picked him up, placed him in a large plastic container, and they headed for home. As you would expect, I took at lot of pictures of Gordon. Here are a few that show him doing what he obviously does best. (Click on a picture if you want to scroll through the gallery.)

Gordon is definitely not your typical cuddly pet, but watching him was fascinating, and I was impressed by the owner, a young man who is very knowledgeable about Gordon and making plans to protect and help not just Gordon, but his species. I really never know what I will encounter when I visit the park.

I would love to hear your reaction to Gordon. Are you familiar with his kind? Would you like to have a pet like Gordon? You could take him for a walk in the park, but you wouldn’t be putting many miles on your pedometer.

Thanks for visiting today.

Skip aka Carolyn

2 Replies to “Not the usual!”

  1. Now that had to be exciting to see. Gordon is a handsome one too!! Great set of shots of him!! He certainly is a big one.


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