I came back to post the rest of the pictures from yesterday’s trail walk. I hope you’re ready to see more deer, some new HAWK pictures, and a few more birds.

First I encountered these two does. These two spotted me as soon as I started down the trail. Convinced I was carrying food for them, they walked toward me, then when I passed them, they turned around and followed me. They walked in my footprints (literally) for quite a distance. It’s an eerie feeling playing pied piper to a pair of deer. Several times I stopped, faced them, waved my arms and said “Shoo. I don’t have any food for you.” (I would be willing to give them some corn or apples, but it is against the rules of our metropark).

2016_02_10_Trailwalk_Chagrin River Park_0001

I finally discouraged them, and they wandered off the trail into the woods, as I headed on down the trail, where I found some little birds that were delighted when I put down some bark butter bits on a fence post.

The red-bellied woodpeckers always bring a smile to my face. They seem so surprised and happy when I take their picture, although, truthfully, I am the one who is surprised and happy when they fly in to pose for me, and I can’t resist multiple pictures of the RBW. It is such a beautiful bird. Today’s RBW was a male wearing a lovely red cap.

By this time, I was beginning to feel more than a little chilled. I was ready to head back to my car when more deer caught sight of me and plodded in my direction. And not just the two original deer. They brought friends. I stood back, watched, and clicked my camera shutter as they enjoyed a little feast.


Now I was really ready to return to my car and turn on the heater. “Okay, ladies,” I said to the little herd, “I’ve had enough. I’m heading for home,” and I turned and trudged back to the parking lot where I climbed into my car and was just about to switch on the engine (and the heater) when… WHOA! Was that a HAWK that just flew past my windshield? Grabbing my camera, I climbed out of the car and followed the big bird. At this point I was joined by my friend Kathy, another photographer, and we trailed him as he swooped from tree to tree, on the hunt for something to fill his belly. He’s a very large bird. I can only wonder how many little critters he captures each day. On other occasions, I’ve watched him feast on a FIELD MOUSE and a SNAKE. Today, feeling frozen, I left him to the hunt and headed for home, so I didn’t see the outcome of his efforts. I’m sure he must have a huge appetite, as it would take a lot of food to satisfy such a large bird.

That’s it for this very cold trail walk in Chagrin River Park. I hope you enjoyed sharing the experience with me. Come again soon. You never know what we might see along the trail.

Trail Walker

11 Replies to “I’M HERE AGAIN…”

    1. Thanks, Terri. I’ve had plenty of good photo opps lately. It has been exciting. This frigid weather has curtailed my trail walks for a few days, and I am eager to get back on the trail. Temps hovered in the single digits today, so I didn’t go out.

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